The man behind the machine

Sports therapist Stefan Köhler is the man behind the machine. He is a specially trained EKSO therapist and is able to combine his interest in technology with working with people at the Robotics Centre. He is most often found using the exoskeleton, a mobile support corset that is attached to a patient’s trunk and legs. He sets up the EKSO GT gait robot from EKSO-Bionics, then walks behind the patient during therapy and stabilises them if necessary. Without the device, as many as three strong assistants could be needed in order to support the patient’s body. Thanks to the device, the patient and therapist can move around the room entirely freely.

At the Rehaklinik Zihlschlacht, we offer modern technology-supported movement therapies for the treatment of strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, craniocerebral trauma as well as paraplegia.
Our sports therapist Stefan Köhler takes Schweiz Tourismus - Switerzland Medical Health magazine on a tour of one of the largest robotics centers in Europe. He tells how technologies are used in rehabilitation and positively influence the lives of patients.

You can read the original article from Schweiz Tourismus here.